The Whispers of Hyrule is a fan zine dedicated to exploring the various forest folk that reside in the lands of Hyrule and beyond throughout the Legend of Zelda franchise and their footprint on their world. This includes, and isn't limited to, kokiri, koroks, skull kids, fairies, deku scrubs, forest minish, kikwi, maku! Also plausible lore extrapolations and OCs.

Interest Check: May 11th - 25thApplications: June-JulyCreation Period: July-FebPreorders: Early Spring 2025Fulfillment: Spring-Summer 2025More will be shared after the interest check!

Zeta - Head, Art & Organization Mod

Hi, I'm Zeta! I’m a longtime Zelda fan and I have contributed to over 20 zines so far, as well as running the first Cultures of Hyrule zine The Eyes Of Hyrule, and the LoZ horror zine Blood Moon Rising as art mod. After the success of our first zine I've been super hype to do another!
PS: Minish Cap has the cutest art style, I will fight on this.
Find me @fairyarmour in pretty much all places.

Tidal - Finance Mod

Currently in JJBA brain rot hell but I will always return to my beloved LoZ! I've been finance mod on three projects now, Mio Caro, Cup of JoJo, and DIVE: The Anazuine, as well as a mod in other positions on several other zines. Excited to join this team!

Kellen - Shipping Mod, Finance Intern

Hi!!! I'm Kellen, I'm 22, and I've been playing Zelda since I was about 5! :D
My first game was either OoT or TP and my favorite character aside from Link is Sheik.
My mod experience has been as the writing and finance mod for Harp in Shadows; A Sheik Zine! I'm very excited to be a part of this and thankful I was asked to join!! <3

Aleese - Graphics & Layout Mod

Howdy!! Super excited to be a part of this project!! I absolutely adore all the forest related creatures from the Zelda games so I am very excited to watch everyone's ideas come to life.

Nova - Social Media Mod

I'm happy to reprise my role for the second volume of the Cultures of Hyrule! Kokiri are my favorite Zelda race, so I couldn't be more excited. Aside from being involved in the Eyes of Hyrule, I'm a writer and editor for Zelda Universe.

zebby - Music Mod

Hey-o! I'm zebby and I've been making music for about 12 years now! Most of the music I make these days is either for zines, OCs or D&D. I'm always excited for a new zine and I'll be your music mod~!

Moth - Writer Mod

I'm an aspiring writer from the little green Island of Ireland. When I'm not writing stories, I am searching forests for fairies and inspiration. So far I have yet to find any fairies.

Is this zine for profit or for charity?
This will be a charity zine, continuing to support Cultural Survival. You can look into them more if you wish, here:
Will this zine contain shipping?
Romantic relationships are not the focus of this zine. Our interest is in the presence of the forest folk in LoZ through the ages.
Is this zine SFW?
This zine will NOT contain any sexual or nude content but there may be horror or violent elements typical of game lore.
What exactly falls under the “forest folk” theme?
Just about all forest fae-like beings within the series that live in the forest! So korkiri, koroks, skull kids, fairies, deku scrubs, forest minish, kikwi, maku, and so on!
I’m not so certain of the inclusion of OCs or theories. Couldn’t that muddy the theme and reduce interest?
The birth of this Zine series concept was rooted in exploring the depictions of the various races of the Zelda franchise and how those depictions link together, thus theories are an inherent aspect of it. As for OCs, There will be attention paid to just how OCs and non-focused races are included to keep the theme of Roles and Culture consistent.
Since OCs are allowed, what of interpretations of canon characters?
Interpretations are absolutely allowed, as long as there’s still a recognizable element to the characters to ground them in what era they’re from. We will restrict any non-canon eras however, in the interest of exploring existing lore.
Are non-focus characters allowed?
They are, but in a secondary or supporting role to a Forest Folk character or relic. Not the focal position.
Do we need Zelda works in our portfolios to apply?
It is not necessary, no.
Our expectations for applicants are these:
Artists - At least three illustrations, a minimum of one in full colour with a background
Merch Artists - At least three illustrations in the style you’ll use for the merch piece. You do not need to have an example of the exact merch item you would like to create, but it would benefit you.
Writers - At least three samples of 3k (each) at max, at least one of which must be a complete piece and not just a snippet of a larger work.
Musicians - At least three samples of at least a minute in length of either a cover or original track.
As a musician, am I only allowed to create covers of existing OST tracks?
Not at all! Covers as well as original compositions are welcome. As long as your piece is inspired by a character, theme, event, story, etc. involving any of our woodland friends, it will be acceptable.
What will be expected of accepted applicants?
We will share the guideline details to our contributors once they’re on board, but everyone will be required to create an original, unpublished piece based on a pitch accepted by the mods. We ask that you have an idea or two in your application or at least what era you’re most interested in working in, and once accepted we will ask for a minimum of three pitches.